Vehicle Control HPC

The Vehicle Control High-Performance Computer (VC HPC) is the central high performance computing platform for the integration of applications from multiple domains and is therefore a key enabler for the Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV).

Benefits & Features

  • Flexible and scalable integration platform for cross-domain applications and services from various parties
  • Host for body, safety and motion, energy management and powertrain applications up to safety level ASIL-D
  • Host for central data acquisition and cloud/IoT services
  • Heterogeneous, secure and safe multi operating system environment
  • Support for the rapidly increasing demand for secure communication bandwidth based on latest network technologies
  • Central instance for all over-the-air software updates and upgrades of the vehicle and offers an extended range of vehicle diagnostic features
  • State-of-the-art cybersecurity measures for communication and applications

Technical Information

Support for heterogeneous computer systems by using a scalable System on Chip (SoC) family supporting:

Operating Systems for real-time computing (Classic AUTOSAR)

Operating Systems for high performance computing (Adaptive AUTOSAR, Linux, QNX, Java VM)

Hardware and Software support for a holistic virtualization concept

Implementation of various in-vehicle physical networks with a flexible number of various CAN standards, LIN, multiGig Ethernet and even Flexray as an option

Hardware accelerated routing and crypto algorithms

Adaptable mechanical housing and cooling concept

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